When does HSM meet?


9:20 a.m. HSM Small Groups (Upstairs Room 202)

5:00-7:00 p.m. - HSM (Student Ministry Building)


HSM is our high school ministry (grades 9-12), a place where teens can explore and grow in their faith and find a community of peers and leaders to walk alongside during the best (and worst) parts of high school.

If you have any questions or would just like to chat, you can contact Brant Caler by 

e-mail or by calling the church office (217) 442-7306.

Upcoming events

  • hsm mission trip

    Benton  Harbor, Michigan | June 16-21 | Current 9-12 Graders

    This Summer, June 16-21, we will be heading to Benton Harbor, Michigan to serve alongside YouthWorks. This will be an incredible week of living out Jesus’ mission for our life, to serve the people around us. If you are interested in joining us, please fill out this application by tapping the button below.



    July 15-20 | Lee University | $375 Per Student

    MOVE is a 5-day summer event designed for high school students to know Jesus better, deepen their relationships, and be sent out to do Kingdom Work. This year we will be going to Lee University. MOVE is an amazing life-changing week full of high-energy worship, Biblical teaching, small groups, and lots of fun! 

    CIY MOVE Registration is now full. You can join our waiting list by tapping the button below.


hsm calendar 2024

Connect with us!

Follow us on Instagram: @HSMSecondChurch

Find us on Facebook: facebook.com/HSMSecondChurch

If you have any questions, contact our Student Minister, Brant Caler, by e-mail (brant@secondchurch.com) or by calling the church office at (217) 442-7306.